Chronicles of Growing Courage

Friday, August 11, 2006

Power of the gospel

My professor challenged us today as to whether we really believe in the gospel as being the power of God in our increasingly secularized and pluralstic culture. He said that perhaps many Christians secretly think that the gospel is just for nice people in the Christian culture, and that we are intimidated and embarrassed at the thought of somehow making the gospel fit in with the outside culture. Upon examining myself, I found that I have indeed had this sentiment in the past and perhaps even now. Sometimes when I am not in a Christian context, I feel intimidated because the gospel feels so "uncultured" so "other", and how could anyone really hear it and respond to it..someone with no church background? This is what I want to see experientially..the gospel transforming someone's paradigm; not through someone's eloquence but simply because it is the power of God.


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