Chronicles of Growing Courage

Friday, October 20, 2006

Ode to the Return of Summer

These L.A.ers
are a crazy bunch
With 355 days of sun
they pine on those 10 days
when the clouds' soothing presence blankets the city.
"It's not smog," I say,
"Why the glum faces?"
"Will we ever see the sun again?" they moan.
"How long must the winter of our discontent last?"

Today they walk confidently
a joyous spring in their step
The world is their oyster
once more.
Today the heat of summer's sun
causes the sweat to ooze
down my face
my face turns red
my disposition crabby
as I realize
the delicious coolness
of the previous days
was not fall,
merely a commerical break
from summer.

So on this October 20
as I look ahead
to a hot Halloween
a blazing Thanksgiving
and a sweltering Christmas,
I once more
thank God
for air conditioning.


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