Chronicles of Growing Courage

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Reflections upon the death of my grandma

Joy and sadness
intertwined on this earth
Trying to pry them apart
loses the poignancy of both.
Rage fills me
at death's severity
at my utter helplessness
to control who enters it.

She looked upon the unseen
she longed for her real home
As she passed through the visible,
I tried to grab her ankle
I tried to renew her love for life
but she was ready for Life.

I long for the joy
and wish to reject the sadness
But the expense of fallen humanity
demands the embrace of both.
So the joy of a nephew's innocence
is painted on the tragic backdrop
of a father who lost his way.
The hope of a cousin's restoration
is set against the pain of his mother's estrangement.

She is experiencing
the mystery of unfettered joy.
In the invisible,
Christ separates the impossible tangle
and casts off the sorrow forever.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

So we have had 2 flag football practices thus far. We are being coached by a young 20's lad named "Ipp". He is completely dedicated to teaching us the drills, plays, and defense that make up the mystery of flag football. So far it has been a blast. I can't believe how much fun it is to be on a team again. Unfortunately, we were informed by one of the woman who started the team that there is already a lot of ill feelings toward this female endeavor. This woman said that she had a two hour conversation with one guy who insists that we must come under the "patriarchal system" and that we need to let the guys empower us as woman. I'm not sure who this guy is, but I would like to know if he was referring to the patriarchal system of football. If so, that is more mystery for "Ipp" to reveal to us.
Incidentally, I was very impressed by these women leaders. They urged good attitudes on the field and focus on having fun playing rather than any negativity. As for me, heck, I just want to run some "slants", and "hooks".

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Quote of the Day

"Too much discussion of scripture and spiritual matters can foster an illusory sense of holiness in people who have not yet faced themselves."

Kathleen Norris

Monday, September 11, 2006

Musings on Life and Death

A couple of nights ago I sat with a friend and heard his story of a recent near death experience on a mountain. He took a long slide and then a free fall, maybe 40 to 50 feet. He said that as he hurtled off the edge and into the air, he had three thoughts: 1. This is it, I'm going to die 2. That's ok 3. Nobody will find my body here. As he hit the ground and realized he was alive, he experienced an extraordinary thankfulness. After he bandaged himself up as best he could and hobbled down the rest of the mountain with extreme difficulty, he described how he felt an unmistakable Presence with him the entire seven or eight hours. He knew that he was not alone. In fact, when he finally made it down, he was singing because he was so thankful to be alive. He describes the experience as "life-altering". This story was impacting to me because first of all, he's a friend, and second of all, it reinforces the idea that we have no control over our life spans. A fall of that height has killed hundreds of people in the past. The Lord is the one who holds our life, and its span here on earth, in the palm of His hand.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Quote for the Day

"In issuing the gospel invititation, we have no liberty to conceal the cost of discipleship."
-Lausanne Covenant, 1974

Friday, September 01, 2006

Call Me Visual

So, the other day I was at my new job, doing "visual" when something very unusual happened. (Sidenote: "Visual" is not only my official job title, but it is really a secret code word for "making the store aesthetically stunning". In laymen's terms, I restock and tidy up shelves.) I was on a ladder when a couple walked by my row with a little german shepherd puppy trotting along beside. I nearly fell off my ladder...I mean, we were on the second floor of the store! "Did you see that?" I asked the girl who was working with me.
"Oh, that's the new trend. People bring their dogs everywhere."
Now, I didn't know that this was allowed. I mean, I just assumed that dogs are not allowed in any store except Pet Smart.
"Once someone brought in a St. Bernard, " she continued, "now that was a big dog for this store. I only have a problem with it because it is such a gray area if they poop in the store. I mean, do we clean it up or do the owners? It is just a gray area." I once again nearly fell off the ladder. Gray area? There are many gray areas in life, but this, in my books, is not one of them. I mean, if you bring your baby into a store, and he/she dirties the diaper, do you walk up to the visual salesperson and say, "Excuse me, will you change my baby's diaper? After all, I'm in your store." Bottom line: That's why they invented those cute little changing tables in the ladies' restroom. (Guys, you probably don't know what I"m talking about...I'm not saying I have every been in a guy's bathroom, but I"m pretty sure they are only in the female ones.) Anyway, back to my point: Does everyone else out there know that you can bring dogs into stores? Have I been in a time warp?