Feeling Chilly in the Fire Tunnel
I went through my first fire tunnel last night. "Fire Tunnel?" you ask. Was this some kind of rite-of-passage deep within the Amazonian jungle? No, my friends, it took place at a local charismatic church and it involved two lines of pastors facing each other(kind of like a soccer tunnel) whom would pray and bless those going through the tunnel.
I attended the tail end of a conference at the church because I wanted to hear Heidi Baker speak, a lady who has an amazing ministry in Mozambique and is a hero of mine. I had been planning on leaving after her message as I knew that sometimes these kinds of services can stretch on indefinitely, but as the build up for the "fire-tunnel" increased after her moving message, I decided to stick around and experience it.
After waiting in line for an hour and a half, I found my heart pumping as I approached the stage. People would step into the tunnel and collapse; some were dragged off to the side and others would be handed through the tunnel on wobbly legs. The woman behind me said, "Get ready for the wildest ride of your life."
"Good grief," I thought to myself. "What's going to happen to me? Am I truly going to collapse in the spirit like I've seen so many other people do in the past?" I stepped into it, only to have a man grab my shoulders and breathe into my face. He handed me off to a woman who grabbed my stomach(thank goodness this was not the man) and started chanting "Fire in the belly, fire in the belly". I kept walking through the tunnel, nervously smiling at the men and women that would grab me, rub my head, say a blessing over me, and call for "more joy" for me. The recovering people- pleaser part me of me wanted to do something, but I just kept walking. It ended with a man forcefully embracing me, swaying me back and forth, and praying
something over me. I hurriedly went down the stage stairs, pushed my way through the dancing and rejoicing people, and fled the building, fearing that the woman was going to ask me about my experience.
The long and short of it...I felt absolutely nothing. I was a little disappointed, to tell you the truth. Do I think the whole thing was a farce? No, I think like most things, some people were having a genuine experience while others were faking it. The whole experience bears a little more personal reflection. If anyone has ever seen or experienced a fire tunnel, or has other opinions, I welcome your comments.
I attended the tail end of a conference at the church because I wanted to hear Heidi Baker speak, a lady who has an amazing ministry in Mozambique and is a hero of mine. I had been planning on leaving after her message as I knew that sometimes these kinds of services can stretch on indefinitely, but as the build up for the "fire-tunnel" increased after her moving message, I decided to stick around and experience it.
After waiting in line for an hour and a half, I found my heart pumping as I approached the stage. People would step into the tunnel and collapse; some were dragged off to the side and others would be handed through the tunnel on wobbly legs. The woman behind me said, "Get ready for the wildest ride of your life."
"Good grief," I thought to myself. "What's going to happen to me? Am I truly going to collapse in the spirit like I've seen so many other people do in the past?" I stepped into it, only to have a man grab my shoulders and breathe into my face. He handed me off to a woman who grabbed my stomach(thank goodness this was not the man) and started chanting "Fire in the belly, fire in the belly". I kept walking through the tunnel, nervously smiling at the men and women that would grab me, rub my head, say a blessing over me, and call for "more joy" for me. The recovering people- pleaser part me of me wanted to do something, but I just kept walking. It ended with a man forcefully embracing me, swaying me back and forth, and praying
something over me. I hurriedly went down the stage stairs, pushed my way through the dancing and rejoicing people, and fled the building, fearing that the woman was going to ask me about my experience.
The long and short of it...I felt absolutely nothing. I was a little disappointed, to tell you the truth. Do I think the whole thing was a farce? No, I think like most things, some people were having a genuine experience while others were faking it. The whole experience bears a little more personal reflection. If anyone has ever seen or experienced a fire tunnel, or has other opinions, I welcome your comments.
First may I say how much I enjoyed reading this...and imagining you awaiting your turn in the tunnel.
I went through the fire tunnel at Harvest Rock Church right there in Pasadena--when it was in Mott auditorium. The infamous Todd Bentley was on the line, as well as Lou Ingle and a few other 'Signs and Wonders' superstars, whom I enjoy listening to.
I was a little nervous as I approached the tunnel...and remember saying to God something like, "Um... if this is what You want--great. If not... let's just get this over with."
Nothing happened to me either, and I believe I was--in equal parts-- disappointed and relieved.
I, too, believe that there were real experiences and...shall we say, some that were induced or exaggerated for dramatic effect?
Obviously God can show up wherever He wants. He doesn't need a tunnel of people blowing and spitting on you. But then again... if He wants to do something there, He certainly can. And does.
For me, the Holy Spirit moments come when HE breathes them in. I'm content to be expectant of those and not try to orchestrate one for myself.
But that's just me.
How many times did we miss one another on the phone today? Eeeesh. Frustrating.
Love you.
Dakota House , at 10:45 PM
I remember going through a "fire tunnel" when I was in the 6th grade. It happened in my backyard when I was playing basketball against my dad who was smoking a cigarette. I went up for a jump shot and my dad tried to block my shot. I remember having to jump up through ash and smoke to get my shot off. I don't rememeber if I made the shot but I sure was having a great time with my dad.
Curious George, at 10:55 PM
An hour and a half wait? They should take a hint from Disney and produce a "FastPass" where you can go straight to the front of the line and bypass the crowds.
Filatore, at 8:33 AM
Melody, your description is HILARIOUS!! I was dying laughing! On a more serious note, I have experienced the same thing, of not feeling anything in a fire tunnel (also at harvest rock)... it raises a lot of questions... but for now, I know for me personally, the Lord doesn't minister to me in that way...
Praisy, at 5:41 PM
This "fire tunnel" thing has no precedence in Scripture, so please be very careful. I know that in the occult, fire is often given or passed by the laying on of hands, or impartation. I fear what many charismatics today (and I am a charismatic)are calling an "anointing" is not from the Lord. Remember the true anointing is from Jesus. (I John 2:27) I recommend the book "The beautiful Side of Evil" by Johanna Michaelsen. She had visions of a false Jesus imparting fire to her, but her visions were satanic, as she discovered when she tested the spirits. She was in the occult for many years, and even helped a healer work miracles, all by the power of evil spirits. Stay in the Word and test all things by it. God bless!
Watchman on the Wall, at 8:30 PM
Hi, I also went through the fire tunnel before. I really thank God that you told him to give it to you if He wanted to. Obviously you were sincere and He didnt want to. People all over have experienced the same thing. This is an occultic practice not in the Word. Test the spirits~~~!!!!! Here is a first-hand account and some great comments too.
Unknown, at 9:12 PM
I cant seem to get the whole link on here. Google- fire tunnel bentley- and go to the first link.
Unknown, at 9:26 PM
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