Am I susceptible to sugar pills?
Is anyone else slightly peeved about the Airborne lawsuit? I will admit that I bought into their marketing scheme: hook, line, and tablet. Every time I felt the smallest hint of a cold coming on, I would go out and spend the 8 dollars, and religiously consume the tablets every three to four hours until the cold symptoms went away. Was that really all due to a placebo effect? Am I just a giant pawn in the game of marketing economics? Is that second grade teacher who supposedly invented it, sitting in the Bahamas, drinking a pina-colada, and laughing up her sleeve at us "sickies"? My favorite part of the whole deal is that the company magnanimously is offering to repay those who can "prove" their purchase of Airborne. Anyone who is diligent enough to save their Airborne receipt from three years ago deserves to collect from that company...and maybe with interest compounded from every cold experienced.
Seriously. I am SO with you on this one.
I plan to search the bottoms of all my purses--where stray things lurk--in the hopes of finding a receipt with airborne on it.
And I have a half-full container I am hoping to get something for.
Because yeah. I'm pissed. I bought in, too.
It's a little like that 'A Million Little Pieces' episode.
Dakota House , at 8:41 PM
Ha! I hear ya. Josh and I have decided to stick with good ol' plain vitamin C. It at least has proven effects. Funny blog though :-)
Megan, at 4:13 PM
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